Sunday, November 23, 2008

We all Die

They like to say that we are all dying. I agree that we all die, but I do not think this is the state of things. I do not think life is just a progression to ward death.
They say that in our lives, all, we are dying. Like fruit in a basket, ripening toward rotting. And I can see why. Like an orange, alone, we do not appear to have any branch back to heaven, no strings attached to our creator,that might connect us. We seem to have been separated as the fruit from the tree. As the evidenced in The Fall. Even for those of us who do not identify as Christian we may argue that not seeing means not existing, out of sight, out of existence perhaps. If there were a god, where is it? If we did have a connection to this god: the same question. Our eyes only look out ward. We should not make the mistake that it is the only direction, for that way lays blame too often.

We should not assume something does not exist simply because religion could not give it to us. We should not put so much faith into our institutions to say that if they could not deliver the thing it must not exist. Some-times organization is too complex to receive, sometimes “manufacture” is not as good as “wait”.

To say we are living into death, that life is death, is confusion. For everything there is a season, there will come a time when that branch is severed, for some of us, living out on the out skirts, the no-mans land, in the retirement homes the hospitals and the wheel chairs, we know it is true. And though we may still be here still incarnate, we wither∗, but to think that because it is inevitable, it is presently so, is not right view. It is an excuse not to dare to live. It is saying, “I would love, but I will get hurt, so I refuse. I am only rational.” Only what we are is whatever we choose to be. There is no only but that which we choose to impose. ‘Only’ is a frame, a window, the wall we built is forgotten because we say, “I have my only this or only that, it will be enough. Through only that, I will look out at the world.”

It may be enough for one self, but we are not all there is. This is life is given for us to live, but it is for us to live, for the cosmos. Creation is not a self-absorbed process. If one thinks so, one should attend a birth. The plant needs the bird as much as the bird needs the sun & the sun needs the bird as much as the plant needs the sun. Evolution is co-arising. When we build a wall for ourselves we build it around selves, but in the prairie, on top of the grass, blocking out the sky, divorcing the view from the coyote. Seperating the man from the earth. We need the earth as much as the earth needs us. We superimpose our views on the earth, we say the Earth is dying, because that’s what we think our lives are. We have been tricked by over-organization, by thinking we can come up with all the answers if we “try hard enough”; we have been tricked into always “try hard enough.” Some answers only need to be listened, not manufactured. Some religion is not organized, some worship needs no building.

*(this is a gift: to see the body decay, to see the shine leave your own eyes, is to see the spirit leave, to see the spirit leave is to know the spirit existed all the while)

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