Friday, May 29, 2009

What we call power lines, the road out of town, The San Juan Mountains, To the West

It is quiet enough I can do my work here.
There are no distractions.
I do not intend to make any.
You can write,
you can paint,
you can draw,

realy you can.

Is the speed of the city worth it?

I don't know yet,
but I'm interested in softening my bonds with it.

Your dreams will always out weigh your livelihood. You were not put here to make money and die. It is helpful to remind one self from time to time. Here there is more time. Look: its only 12:21. You don't have the whole day ahead of you...but you have enough.

The sign makers shop, Oldy Timey Photo and a Slow Train

Not only in town,
But all along the corridor from Silverton to Durango,
There is Land,
For sale and cheaper than it thas been in my life time.

I don't know how but we will buy some
We will build a community,
we will farm

I don't know where the money is coming from
it is not up to me
I am a part of it,
I am up to it
This was brought to me,
I just took the bus and met it here.

If you are interested you are welcome to join:
This is the way
the great way,
the old way,

We can remember.
We can remember together.

City Life

No one goes more than 15 any where in town.

An old shcool bus rusts and sings.

And there is land for sale,

"You have to carve your own niche," I was told. You can't just look for work, although there is more work than people to do it. You have to go out and find it. You have to build your own life.
And everyone knows all about everyone.

It is calm and I am exstatic.

Technology and the Elements

Bringing down radio waves from heaven. We got hail in May. I hear Silverton has had snow in every month of the year. Everyone has junk in their yard here. "You know why I like junk?" One man told another, "I like junk because it keeps the rich folks away."

Afternoon storms, the streets muddy and run. Only the sound of dogs and thunder.

Its not just a valley, its a caldera

The aspen leaves are returning, the pine never abandon. Many of the residents exodus in winter, leaving their homes, boarded up for the season, some come for ths skiing.

What is a dead end,

city limits

The license plate says "cupcake."

Kendal Mt, Mineral Creek,

Getting into town was like shell shock. So small, so quiet, and I recognize I am affraid of wild animals at night. In washington the clouds came down to us. Here we are risen into the clouds.

Everyone is an artist here.

To follow are many pictures of Silverton, where now I lay my head, and look for work